AI: Thomas J. Watson, Jr., Seymour Cray, and Steve Jobs Compared: Computer Titans (Part I Thomas J. Watson, Jr.)

Quote Fortune Magazine: Thomas Watson Jr.
“The greatest business risk of the twentieth century” – This was how Fortune described Watson Jr.’s decision to invest heavily in the System/360, a gamble that ultimately paid off and transformed IBM.
Quote The New York Times: Thomas Watson Jr.
“He was a complex and contradictory figure, a man of great drive and ambition who also possessed a deep sense of social responsibility.” – The Times captured the different facets of his personality, acknowledging his business acumen and commitment to social causes.
Quote Harvard Business Review: Thomas Watson Jr.
“He fostered a culture of intellectual curiosity and encouraged employees to challenge conventional wisdom.” – This captures Watson Jr.’s emphasis on independent thinking and his efforts to create a dynamic and innovative work environment.
The “Janitor” Memo and Cray’s Response:
In 1963, Thomas J. Watson Jr., then CEO of IBM, was reportedly startled by the announcement of the Control Data Corporation (CDC) 6600, a supercomputer designed by Seymour Cray that surpassed IBM’s machines in performance. Watson Jr. wrote a memo to his employees, famously stating:
“Last week, Control Data… announced the 6600 system. I understand that in the laboratory developing the system there are only 34 people including the janitor [Thomas J. Watson Jr.]. Of these, 14 are engineers and 4 are programmers… Contrasting this modest effort with our vast development activities, I fail to understand why we have lost our industry leadership position by letting someone else offer the world’s most powerful computer.”
Quote Steve Jobs: Thomas Watson Jr.
“Thomas Watson Jr. once said, ‘Good design is good business.’ I’ve always believed that. That’s why Apple spends so much on design.”
This captures Jobs’ philosophy on the importance of design as a core part of business strategy.